Chicago Bee Building..
Address: 3647-55 S. State St.
Year Built: 1929-1931
Architect: Z. Erol Smith
Date Designated a Chicago Landmark: September 9, 1998..
The Chicago Bee newspaper was founded by noted African-American entrepreneur Anthony Overton. This Art Deco-style building was constructed as the headquarters for the Chicago Bee newspaper. It originally featured upper-floor apartments. During the 1930's, it housed the offices of the Douglass National Bank and the Overton Hygienic Company, a nationally known cosmetics firm. The newspaper went out of business in the 1940s, although Overton Hygienic continued until the early 1980s. In the mid-1990's, the building was adapted for reuse as a branch of the Chicago Public Library. It is one of nine structures in the Black Metropolis-Bronzeville Historic District.
Left image, we see the Chicago Public Library sign..
Image below, shows how close are the two buildings..Chicago Bee Bldg and Overton Heiginic Bldg..
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