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Saints Volodymyr and Olha Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral ...
Address: 2245 W. Superior St. Chicago, IL 60612 ..
Completed: 1973.
Architect: Jaroslav Korsunsky of Minneapolis ...
The architect employed the Byzantine Ukrainian style of 11-13th century Ukraine. During this period, Ukraine was under the cultural and religious influence of Byzantium. Churches of this style are traditionally cruciform, with the altar facing the East. The rounded gold dome, along with a strong preference for circular patterns?avoiding almost all angular designsis also typical of this style ...
I found some very intereting information on it's official website ... Sts Volodymyr and Olha Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral .. Excerpts from it ...
The colors employed, are meant to convey a message. Christ, for example, is portrayed in a burgundy robe covered by another blue robe. Burgundy here denotes royalty and, by extension, divinity while blue symbolizes humanity. Jesus is God before all ages, thus the burgundy undergarment. In His nativity, however, He takes on humanity; thus, the blue outergarment. With the Mother of God it is just the opposite. Mary is a human [blue undergarment], who takes on divinity in bearing the Son of God [burgundy outergarment] ....
Iconography is the term used when speaking of the paintings in the church. Since they are not painted for the sake of decoration or simple esthetic pleasure, they are not ordinary paintings. "Icon" in Greek means "image" of the world transfigured by the power of God. Viewers often note the abstraction of icons. This abstraction (e.g., a tampering with proportions and the composition of iconographic scenes) is usually an attempt to represent the otherness of the transfigured universe. The reality of which the saints partake is a transformed reality.
# For more on the Ukranian Village.. click here..
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